The body pushes hormones to motivate our sex drive. The desire of flesh is only natural. We need to breed to survive and this cold fact shall remain until the discovery of immortality or a generalisation of test tube reproduction. For some this vital urge is a sin and its act should only to be practiced within a defined situation. For the more hedonistic it is a way of life. Either way it is omnipresent throughout our existence and we thrive for the satisfying sensation of endorphins. Our bodies give us opiates as a motivation to intercourse. A shot of fantasy to embellish the practicalities and ensure that we have the next generation on the way.
Yet hark! I hear a bible thump. What about those recreational druggies. The pheromone chasers just after a good self produced fix? Surely they must burn in hell for their misguided use of our animal impulses? Well, didn’t the young messiah JC cause quite a stir when he saved a hooker from a good stoning? If JC could live with it then I’m sure you can make the effort to. Besides practice makes perfect and anti sex doctrines where a form of birth control. Back in the day when we threw stones at each other.
The mind has evolved and has a better understanding of the human body and its functions. Making a villain of sexual urges is of the domain of ignorance. Contraceptives are readily available as birth control and as a means to avoid the spreading of illness. They also help to insure that the missus doesn’t have the milkman’s baby or that hubby gets his secretary up the duff. We can maintain good healthy sex lives with the marvels of science. We have our urges and we have our safety nets the rest is personal choice.
Yet hark! I hear a hippie whinge. What about love man? Well, my unwashed friend, love is another chemical reaction. It is also a word that is bandied about far too much and grossly misunderstood. How many women hear the words: I love you so much, from a man who really should be saying: Damn your hot! I want in to your pants! Of course plenty of guys hear the same thing with the same intent.
If you switch on a radio 90 percent of what you hear is called a love song. Most films incorporate love scenes and/or love stories. The same goes for literature and when you see a painting you really like you don’t like it, you love it! It’s a buzz word and like all buzz words the more it is misused the less sense it makes.
The most common blunder is mixing love with sex. We don’t make love, we feel love and if we are lucky enough to have that special person in our lives then we can have sex with the person we love. Now I know for many this may seem like word splitting but let me put it this way: I love my cats but if they were to wander around the house in high heels and lace I would be very far from horny. It would be a good laugh though.
We love our brothers, sisters, children and friends without sex ever springing up. I don’t think it is difficult to understand that we love our partners whether sex is present or not.
Another common mistake is to say that we love someone or something that we desire. Love is passive and self sufficient. It takes the good with the bad and has no need for change. Desire by its very nature is missing something and pushes to change that. We are full of desires and sexual urges but love is a rarity. It is a precious moment in life that is constantly abused, plastered on billboards, badges and lots of places where another four letter word would be appropriate. If you look at love as being a chemical reaction. A naturally produced drug that our body injects in to our system. Then I think you can safely conclude that most of us are suffering from cold turkey.