In 1989 the Berlin wall came down and hopes were high across the globe for a newborn unity. Twenty years later the only things that have been born are new divisions. The world has less morals and more gangsters. The rich are richer and the poor are an ever expanding entity. Apathy mingles with a resurgence of religious doctrines and politicians have long since traded honour for Platinum card tax evasion with all the thrills. The left wing makes the T shirts and the right wing markets them. Education levels drop to dumb down the nations and thus it ticks until we hear an almighty crash. Then those with little have to give a little more while Swiss banks keep a select minority very solvable. Long gone are true notions of community spirit and making sure the next guy is alright. Everything has to be filed and verified in a world where general distrust is a way of life. Nobody really knows who the enemy is anymore as all political ideals have betrayed those who once believed they would make the world a better place.
The problem is the way money is viewed. It is viewed as an end rather than a means. It is, after all, a representation of labour and goods. We have it to facilitate trade yet our current societies place it as the be all and end all to life. We must distance ourselves from this notion. People are to be valued by their actions not their bank balance. All I can see are populations wanting mansions and fast cars without lifting a finger to actually bring something to the very real lives we lead. Being a millionaire cannot be justified for as long as others go hungry. A token charity ball or donation does nothing more than make you look good in the media. Keep what you really need and give the rest away because you really do not need it.
In short: children are starving while others wine and dine on caviar and champagne. How many more centuries will we live through this? If you want a balanced community, pull your finger out of your arse and do something for those around you regardless of pay. Stop buying in to celebrity culture and all the fringes that go with it. Do something that shows that humanity can be more than a cannibalistic parasite.