Maybe I could start by explaining the title. The first time I heard this phrase coined I was several whiskies in to a conversation with my uncle. We were talking about the big bang theory and the notion of Christian creationism. The conclusion was that both ideas were based on mirrors and black magic. Ideas pulled out of a hat and wrapped in darkness making people believe as truth what is purely dogma.
The make believe is deeply ingrained in the human psyche, we want to believe in fairy tales, in Gods and the destructive nature of science. We have thoughts of doom and superiour beings, of master plans and humbling misunderstandings of what life is all about. We blame others for being mislead and would rather believe a far fetched story to a simple plausible explanation.
I like questions. Anything that makes you think, any preconceived notion makes my skin crawl and those who follow rules blindly make my blood boil. So I set out to make minds tick, break down a few boudaries and encourage people to do the same. This starts with the mirror. The reflection of self that puts the self in to reflection. The creation of doubt, wondering who we are and what purpose we have if any at all. The first step to knowledge is knowing the self. What we perceive our selves as being will influence how we see the world around us. What we don't like about ourselves we will project on to others because deep down we all want to be the one who is right. We see the faults in others and associate ourselves with their goodness and lead our lives in this subjectivity as we tend to forget that person in the mirror is not an accurate portrait. The trick is to see through the mirror, take the extremes of self hatred and self adoration and find the self somewhere in between. You need an objective view of who you are to have a chance of understanding the world. Without this objectivity you shall delve in to the arts of black magic and harm those around you and yourself in the process.
This is cognitive root to this years project. I took my trip down a dark path and now I'm trying to tell that story. It's a personel voyage but not a unique one as I am sure many will see their reflection when I step in front of the mirror one last time.