Lyrics and Poetry

I use different blogs for different things. One of the first set up was on Myspace and this is where I still post song lyrics and poems. It's an online notepad of sorts as I like to write a piece in the one session, let it sit for a while then go back and have a read to see what needs changed.
This blog is listed under XIII and although my postings there are a lot less frequent than they once were, I still put my drafts up on it and use it as a lyric sheet while recording vocals.

The Heartbeat Enigma

I have finished and published The Heartbeat Enigma today. It will be incorporated in to the album eventually and stands as a chapter for a piece I have been working on for a couple of years. It's another piece of the puzzle and I hope it will get your minds going somewhat or at the very least entertain you. I put up an adult content warning just to be safe even though the texts contain very little offensive material, well to my mind anyway.

Primal Steps

At some point in our lives we all play the pawn. Making the first move and ready to be sacrificed. The motives vary, sometimes we are willing, sometimes pushed but we always keep in mind that if we can make it to the other side then we can become what we want to be.
If we look on life as a game of Chess then there are three options: we play the whites, we play the blacks or we are a piece on the board. We can be motivator or tool, an attacker or a defender and no matter what we may preconceive the outcome is never a certainty. One fleeting thought can change the game and its outcome entirely. We are limited to a selection of positions and our value depends on the position we are in. There are rules by which we must abide and those who know these rules well will always have an edge on those who don't. Finally, Chess is a game that most people will recognize yet only a percentage of them will know how to play and only a small selection of those who know how to play will be true contenders for the challenge that is life.


I got another couple of graphs completed this week and advanced on some story sections to finish off The Heartbeat Enigma. Special thanks to coffee for keeping my eyes open in the early hours of the morning allowing me to get all the outlines done for the series of twelve pics that will make up Delusional Reflections. Yip Delusional reflections is the name of the image work for Mirrors and Black Magic. These pictures will be ready for print sometime next month and will be incorporated into the album art along with some redesigned playing cards and the complete version of The Heartbeat Enigma. Just in case you are confused by all these names, here is a simple breakdown:

The entire project is titled: Mirrors and Black Magic
The musical section goes under: Dark Ofay Din
The written Section is called: The Heartbeat Enigma
And the picture part is: Delusional Reflections

I tend to use patterns and this project is no exception. Numbers 1 to 13, each number corresponding to a playing card (Ace to King), Chess pieces (8 pawns, 1 Rook, 1 knight, 1 bishop, 1 queen) again 13 each corresponding to a playing card and a number.
I've included a Zero factor which will be the center piece for the image work (0,Joker,King)
This is the frame work. I need a frame to have a method, so I know where to start and where to finish.
The story side is orientated around emotions and the choices we make in certain situations. I dabbled with the surreal for this and a touch of supernatural.
The music I hope will give this all the brooding mood it is intended to have.

Some look on life as a game