At some point in our lives we all play the pawn. Making the first move and ready to be sacrificed. The motives vary, sometimes we are willing, sometimes pushed but we always keep in mind that if we can make it to the other side then we can become what we want to be.
If we look on life as a game of Chess then there are three options: we play the whites, we play the blacks or we are a piece on the board. We can be motivator or tool, an attacker or a defender and no matter what we may preconceive the outcome is never a certainty. One fleeting thought can change the game and its outcome entirely. We are limited to a selection of positions and our value depends on the position we are in. There are rules by which we must abide and those who know these rules well will always have an edge on those who don't. Finally, Chess is a game that most people will recognize yet only a percentage of them will know how to play and only a small selection of those who know how to play will be true contenders for the challenge that is life.