I set up a Deviant Art account some time back but it is only recently that I have been spending any time there. Being an image orientated network (Though writing goes on there to) I've uploaded a bit of a mix of visual work done over time. The more recent images from Delusional Reflections are not up yet as I have not finished the series and want to go back over all of them and clean them up here and there.
There is also a journal that comes with the glorious Deviant package, where most folk keep an update of what ever they are up to. Well I do that here as best I can so I thought I'd use the journal on Deviant for something else and so you have a journal of dreams. Any that stick out or that quite simply I remember go in to the journal. I write them as a narrative and do drop a lot of details as I just want want them to be threads, something to interpret, give you all a chance to be Doc Freud for five minutes. The frequency will vary as I don't dream a lot and when I do they are not always that intriguing but I think it will make for an interesting read in a year or so.