The journey begins in France sometime around 2005. How I got there is vague and confused but I did and there I stayed with my parents and little brother for the best part of a year. My mental and physical health had seen better days and having to live with two people whose egocentricity's have no boundaries made life particularly difficult. The other down side to my situation was the country itself. Having lived there for just over a decade beforehand, I had grown to particularly dislike it. I shall go more in depth on this subject with an essay at some other point.
The next stop is Scotland, the land of my birth. It was my intention to spend no more than three months there during which I was going to help my Grandmother sell her old house and move in to more suitable accommodation. Part of this was achieved but the rest really did not go according to plan. It was during this period that plans were made for my next move.
Hong Kong is now where I call home and will stay as thus until the aliens abduct me for more experiments.
These are the three scenes for Mirrors And Black Magic. The first five tracks are for France, the next five for Scotland and the final three for Hong Kong. I have been gathering more material and ideas for another project meanwhile that will be fully focused on my new abode. Ground work sets the roots to stability.